Keep Love's image

Keep Love


Keep love, oh first among the fair of graceful neck,
And show mercy to one who loves you passionately.

Between us a promise, binding,
Whilst we live I'll forget you not.

I speak and my voice, from you, falters,
And yearning brought me to tears, yet never made you weep.

On you, most beautiful lady, most distinguished,
The dress of beauty with glamour you illuminated.

Hypnotised, I neither feel nor wake,
By the shafts of your eyes, their charm is deadly.

As if the sun's rays from your cheek shine,
And a mantle of darkness covers your shoulders.

I perfect verse for you in all arts,
I passed the night sleepless, summoning in darkness your memory.

You incite my eyes to tears,
Passion's flames stoked by grief of absence.

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