Why bemoan, bewail, why lament
The whims and fancies of a fickle Destiny,
Fickle and wayward the ways of all mankind
Nice thoughts, words and nice memories are all we leave behind.
Contentment and Satiety are no eternal emotions
Like hunger and thirst don’t stay away for long,
Sleep and dreams too need a waking up
Else, we’ll miss the little Nightingale’s song.
The more we change the more we’re the same
Yes right, but, change is also a constant, true,
How monotonous if the Moon was always there to see
Unlike the skies,now grey and then, all a bright blue.
Life is a dossier of incidents, memories and stories
Which the passage of time ensures gradually, fade,
In keeping with the laws of the universe that we do not comprehend
‘Cause, Man was for mortality not infinity , made.