The message from Mother India's image

The message from Mother India


‘Beautiful environment leads to beautiful minds.

Beautiful environment leads to beautiful minds.

Beautiful minds generate freshness and creativity,

Created the explorers of land and sea,

Created the European Union,

Created the explorers of land and sea,

Create minds that innovate,

Create great scientific minds everywhere. Why?

Go back to the many discoveries.

Discover the continent.

Do you realise you have discovered a continent?

Discover the continent and unknown lands.

Venture into unexplored parts.

Create new highways.

In the minds of the best,

In the minds of the best was to us also born,

Generated seeds of the battle and hatred,

Hundreds of years of war and blood.

Millions of my wonderful children lost in the land and sea.

Tears flooded many nations,

Many engulfed in an ocean of sadness.

Then came the vision of the European Union.

Took the vote never to turn human knowledge against ourselves or others.

United in their thinking, action emanated to make Europe prosperous,

And peace bound the European Union.

Those glad tidings captivated the people of the planet of my galaxy.

Those glad tidings captivated the people of the planet of my galaxy.

Oh, European Union let your mission spread everywhere like the air we breathe.

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