The Future's image

“The Future “was written in response to a photo of a yellow Sunlight bottle in the gutter. The photo was taken by Carin Markuz who describes the project as “litter inspired writing by Canadian writers, for literacy.”

The Future


I saw the icons of my generation trashed, pounded, run over.

Sunlight, Madge, we were soaking in it. That box that held our kisses

was flat. Lifestyle came undone so that life was hanging on by the grate

and style underfoot. What happened and is it everywhere?

“The future is in plastics,” said the man in The Graduate and it is.


One night in the last century, I dreamt I sat on a high wall an open book

on the ground and the sea rose. Be careful the book! I called.

The water came anyway. What is precious and who cares and how much?

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