What exactly is fasting during Navratri?'s image

What exactly is fasting during Navratri?

सर्व मङ्गल माङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके। शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥

Fast does not mean ‘not eating’. Rather it basically means controlling the desires and simultaneously cultivating positive mental attitudes. Desires can be of many types: to eat tasty food, smell, listen to a particular music, lust etc.

Fast, therefore, can be of many types. Food fast means controlling the desires for food items which you otherwise may not resist eating.

In Navratri, during the first three days, a person is required to indulge in activities which reduce the negativity in the body.

The physical purification involves regular bath (of the external body as well as various orifices); mental bath which involves self-confession exercises, and willful attempts not to think negative.

During these days, a person tries to restrain himself/herself from thinking, speaking or doing any activity which can harm another person. These negative thoughts should also not be suppressed or repressed as otherwise, they will manifest into some

Tag: Kavishala और2 अन्य
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