Thinking Makes You a Pauper or King's image

Thinking Makes You a Pauper or King

Positive thinking helps a lot,

If pessimism is brought,

Result will be a big naught,

In worry-trap, you are caught.

Fearing stops the progress,

And gives undue distress,

Fear is an invisible virus,

It gives an undue distress.

By courage, fear must be replaced,

Any situation must be boldly faced,

By oversight if fear has surfaced,

By confidence, it must be effaced.

Possible attitude must be followed,

By hope, mind must be hallowed,

Worry gives an unbearable load,

Optimism alone is the best code.

Happy thoughts must be cherished,

Then, mind can be well-nourished,

If fear and worry have perished,

Fort of failure can be demolished.

Faith in God must never diminish,


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