Optimism is the Best "Ism" Says Enthusiasm's image

Optimism is the Best "Ism" Says Enthusiasm

When fate gives a severe blow,

Enormous patience, try to show,

Pray deeply to make peace flow,

Time will surely make you glow.

When there is an ambition,

It will face some opposition,

To reach a very high position,

Repeat tasks like imposition.

Victory comes not by chance,

So, your efforts, if you enhance,

To your tune, victory will dance,

In life, you definitely advance.

Every loss is a stepping stone,

Helping you reach success-throne,

Lazily if you just groan and moan,

Sweet success, you can't own.

Circumstances turn to be favorable,

When your efforts are reasonable,

Keep your mind strong and stable,

You will then prove to be invincible.

Disasters may even happen to weaken,

But, you don't become grief-stricken,

Tag: ope और5 अन्य
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