Mission of a Woman in My Vision's image

Mission of a Woman in My Vision

A girl baby is a precious possession,

She must be brought up with affection,

By getting the best possible protection,

Shaping her life needs a proper decision!

She is for the family a miraculous cushion,

She drives parents to earn remuneration,

Seeing her gives them great exhilaration,

Due to her, they don't get any exhaustion.

A female child needs dressing decoration,

Via her God makes His holy representation,

She is for the family a sacred presentation,

To guard her, parents must do preparation.

She must be given the best kind of education,

There must never be her weeping occasion,

To give her peace, must be taken every action,

Over her treatment, she must get satisfaction.

Must happen in her mind, noble morals' induction,

She must be trained to have good ideas' production,

She must not be by cheap things given seduction,

Nothing must bring to her thoughts improper friction.

She must happily enter into her marriage function,

With great happiness, her mind must always function,

She must be tra

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