May Day Message's image

My "May Day Message"

Is, "Must work even a sage"

Before sweat dries, give wage,

Do hard-work, before you age.

Between jobs, don't differentiate,

Any work well-done, you appreciate,

By toiling only, body must depreciate,

But, the mind must continue to initiate.

Your body, heavy sweats must inundate,

Among workers, be the best candidate,

Your body, before time may invalidate,

All your energy, to work, consolidate.

Hard-work strengthens your body,

And you look healthy and sturdy,

To do any lawful work, be ready,

To end vices, work is the remedy.

Every job possesses dignity,

And so is foolish having vanity,

"All must work" expects divinity,

So, develop toward work affinity.

Some useful thing, all must do,

Efforts must be honest and true,

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