Duty Well-Done Solves the Burden's image

Duty Well-Done Solves the Burden

Love the job you do,

With a positive view,

If problems crop up,

Toil to win the cup.

Struggle to be successful,

Be ever in mind dutiful,

Retreat not in doing duty,

As it bestows prosperity.

Don't at all tremble,

Let your guts assemble,

You boldly look forward,

To toil, you can afford.

Analyze problems nonchalantly,

Then, attack them vehemently,

Ever be courageous and brave,

Bravery and courage will save.

Do calmly difficult tasks,

Tough job he who asks,

Wins fame assuredly,

And leads all invariably.

Do any task quietly,

Achieve it superbly,

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