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A Friend to Depend and Defend

First friend may be born if the mother delivers twins, but that is in a way unusual. A fetus acts as its own friend for ten months and completes the duration through self-support though mother also takes care of it in all the ways.

Doctor is a friend if he makes a safe delivery for mother and baby. A brother or sister is supposed to be nature's natural friend. As the baby grows, it develops an attitude to play with fellow children without inhibitions by accepting them as friends.

It joins a school to have friendship in a disciplined environment and it learns the benefits of friendship in a better way to get joy and satisfaction in life.

Then, it joins a college with a better maturity and could discuss important issues in every matter of life with friends so that it also gains tips to tackle its own problems in studies as well as in personal life.

Finally, one gets a job to associate with colleagues, subordinates and superiors to form different levels of relationships even though being frie

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