Uttarayan – the Winter Solstice Return of the Sun – and of Bharat's image

Uttarayan – the Winter Solstice Return of the Sun – and of Bharat

Look East, Look East...

Look East and see,

The blessings of Shri.

The sun's rising as it's done for billions of years.

Flowers & leaves greet it with joyful tears.

Me and you, we call these dew,

Kissed by the Sun, every morn anew.

But wait!

Something else is here, this wonderful dawn.

Look East, and see India, for centuries a pawn;

Rise again, the Bharat we used to be,

Before night fell on our self-respect and we,

Went to sleep at the feet of foreign foes,

Dreaming their dreams, ignoring our woes.

But no more! no more!!

To the sun's glow, we add our own

As t'was before.

Look East, this morn,

And see our miracle,

A new star being born.

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