How to Sleep at Night (This poem is from Shashi Tharoor's book The Riot)'s image

How to Sleep at Night (This poem is from Shashi Tharoor's book The Riot)

This poem is from Shashi Tharoor's book The Riot:

How to Sleep at Night

Try to think of nothing.

That's the secret.

Try to think of nothing.

Do not think of work not done,

or of promises unkept, calls to return,

or agendas you have failed to prepare for meetings

yet unheld.

Think of nothing.

Do not think of words said and unsaid,

or minor scandals and major investigations,

of humiliations endured, insults suffered,

or retorts that did not spring to mind

in time.

Think of nothing.

Do not think of your wife,

of lonely children and their reproachful demands,

or the smile of the pretty woman

whose handshake lingered just a shade too long

in your palm.

Think of nothing.

Do not think of ne

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