In Conversation with Young Poet Gaurav Tripathi's image

In Conversation with Young Poet Gaurav Tripathi

1. Tell us all about your childhood and where you grew up. How was life different, then? What were your hobbies, early influences, mentors?

I grew up in Kanpur. I was the most mischiei kid. I did all sorts of things and my parents were fed up with me. Like once I ran away from my home when I was 11 years old.

I never had a hobby as such but I had interest in mythology and current affairs. I started reading newspaper at a very young age. Also, I used to read and listen stories from Indian mythology alot.

I have a big influence of my father and grandmother on me.

2. You suited up as a Poet, Writer rather early, with your poetry and writing. What inspired you to take this up? And what was your aim?

Nothing inspired me to take this up. This is something I love to do. I had no particular aim in mind. I just wrote what I felt. I didn't even have an audience then. Most of my work remained in diaries.

3. What impact has your poetry had on the community?

Honestly, I don't know.

4. When and why did you pick up the quill? How much time did you devote to it, and did you keep your job alongside? How did you juggle both?

I started writing at a very young age but it wasn't very regular. I became serious about my writing only in past few years. I am a freelancer so I have a lot of time to read and improve my writing.

5. Who is Your favorite Poet/ inspiration and why?

It's very tough for me to name just one favourite. Every poet has a different style, set of thoughts, range of emotions etc. But still, if I have to name just one, I would say Agyeya. I admire his short poems alot and his ability to say alot using just a few wor

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