World Mental Health Day : Celebrating Mental Awareness's image

World Mental Health Day : Celebrating Mental Awareness

“You don’t have to control your thoughts.

 You just have to stop letting them control you.”

— Dan Millman

Today on 10th October, in account of world mental health day we want to present our thoughts about mental health in front of anyone it may concern :-

So much involved our brain is in it’s day to day life, that we often miss to feel an extraordinary achievement called “Mental Wellness”. Our minds when in a healthy state, performs tasks in the background which supports our moods clarity and purpose. To appreciate what mental health might be and therefore what it’s opposite involves, we should consider:-

First of all, a healthy mind is an editing mind and manages to save us from thousands of horrifying negative thoughts some ideas and sensations creates in our mind which an unhealthy mind actively entertains. This means being harsh on ourselves and not giving constructive criticism, which indeed will depict us as a disgraceful person in our eyes. But these harshness till now hasn’t shown any useful purpose.

When we are interviewing for a new job, a healthy mind doesn’t force us to listen to our conscious that tells us that we don’t deserve it. However, it allows us to talk our mind and kill all the comparisons we made of ourselves. It won’t make us feel sad about the accomplishments of others to throw us off the grid and reduce our self esteem to a state of bitter feelings about ourselves. It doesn’t torture us by continually comparing our conditions to that of the people who have all the privilege growing up and have different paths through their life. A fine mind recognises the cruelty of constantly findi

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