India then and now

(This in no way pertains to any one family but is generalised to depict India)

We were mosty walking to school

Now school bus picks up children as a rule

We were graduating only from college

Now children graduate in school as a privilege.

Father worked in office to earn

Cooking at home was Ma's concern

Now both parents earn separately

But they do work from home currently.

Father would go by his scooter

He was saving money for future

Now parents buy home taking loan

Their income mainly serve loan alone.

We went to market to buy vegetables

We went to stores to buy groceries

Now they order online to get delivered

To store in fridge to use as required.

Family rarely went on a holiday

We travelled by bus or train only

Now both parents have their own cars

They also fly to different destinations.

We played on the vacant site

Be it badminton or cricket

Now the complex has all facilities

But no time to play for long periods.

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