An ode to my cell phone's image

When my first cell phone landed in my abode

My BSNL landline went into sleep mode

I made my first call sitting on my recliner

This time I didn't have to go to the phone corner.

I make calls from anywhere

That's why it's called a 'mobile' per se

It has come in many avatars ever since

Each year or two, I buy one of its latest kins.

I can also store numbers in contacts

I just have to retrieve and make calls

There's no need to recall any number

Nor is there a need for a phone logger.

With wifi, I access Google to get any information

I watch videos on YouTube and read my mails spot on

My laptop is feeling lonely

Because I use it hardly.

I also make all payments and deposits

I keep track of all my accounts

I don't make visits to bank anymore

Gone are the days of yore.

I am active on social apps

In touch with my family and pals

We don't meet in person on the side

For they live far and wide.

Photos speak many words they say

We exchange them everyday

I also don't hesitate to take selfies

In my cupboard my camera lies.

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