courage rising's image

your voice is the essay

that gets you into college.


your voice is the proclamation

of love at the altar.


your voice is the yes

at every turn in your life.


your voice battles the no

in every corner of the world.


your voice is the rebel yell

that silences fear.


what a gift, this voice we possess.

what magic, these symbols

we’ve crafted to shape our intentions

what power, to embrace our ability

to metaphor.


for your voice

is also a dollar

in the direction humanity’s going.


your voice is clicking

drops into the bucket of change.


your voice is a hug

for those who’ve been denied.


your voice is standing in solidarity

with the marginalized.


your voice is living in solidarity

for the marginalized.


your voice is evolving in unity

so that none are marginalized.


honey, can’t you see?

we have come so far.

we have done so much.


we have continued to revise our narrative

in the face of front yard flames.


we keep returning to change,

even though obsolete system

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